Thursday, January 15, 2009


The Tao
Produces everything...
Nourishes everything...
Maintains everything...
It flows through and is in all things.

A Spiritual Presence pervades the Universe.
It is the Source of our being, always filling our consciousness.
We keep open to Its guidance, to Its inspiration, to Its illumination.

This blog is about life coaching using the principles of Feng Shui. Unless you have been living under a rock, you probably have heard about Feng Shui. Ah so… just what have you heard? And just what does your acquaintance with the ancient art and science have to do with life coaching, that is, your personal growth and development?

Well, quite a lot actually!

We cannot make successful changes in our lives without supportive changes in our homes. When we decide to change our eating habits to become healthier, we usually make changes in what kind of foods stock our shelves. Otherwise, the unhealthy food keeps “calling” us back to old habits. The same is true for any change we desire to make in our life. Our home, which is our own personal paradise, needs to support us in the changes we desire to make.

Enter Feng Shui—the ancient art of creating balance and harmony in our homes through enhanced Ch’i (energy) flow.
Ch’i—the cosmic breath—is the energy that permeates the universe. The ch’i within us—our life force—connects us with the Ch’i of everything else in our universe. Using the principles of Feng Shui we can connect our intentions with the creative force of the universe to manifest our desires.

Sounds marvelous, doesn’t it?


  1. Wow!!! How cool is this? Blogging is the new black!

  2. nonna this is cool stufff !

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